RIPE 84 meeting

What is a RIPE Meeting?

The RIPE 84 meeting will take place on 16-20 May 2022, in Berlin, Germany.

A RIPE Meeting takes place over multiple days, bringing together Internet service providers, network operators, and other interested parties from around the world.

Each meeting consists of plenary presentations, working group sessions, and Birds of a Feather discussions (BoFs).

RIPE Meetings are open to everyone. They bring together people from different backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, and genders. The RIPE community is unique and prides itself on providing a safe, supportive and respectful environment.

Request a meeting with us and increase your market presence and customer reach with IP BROKER

We offer IPv4 brokering

We are a leader company in IPv4 addressing transactions, experts in the management, acquisition, sale, and rental of IP addressing for companies and/or Internet service providers (ISPs). We know in depth the needs of ISPs, be it Internet access or hosting, cloud, hosting, co-location, and all kinds of content.

With IP Broker you will increase your market presence and customer reach.

Do you want more information?

Contact us to request a meeting with us at RIPE84